Title: To Rome - Footwear
Garment: Women's Shoes
Materials: Paper and Thread
Size: Life-sized
Inspiration: a dark blue jacket commissioned by Barbara (91), current resident of Danny House, when she lived in Rome with her husband Kenneth. The jacket has a mink collar. Inside the shoes is written: UK 5.5, EUR 42 to accord with 1955, when Barbara commissioned the jacket (and a matching dress) and her age, 42, when she and her family returned to Britain; inspired also by changing societal attitudes toward fashion’s use of real fur.
The title of this piece is a play on the sound of the words - to rome/roam and the idea of walking. Some academics claim that the verb 'roam' - as in 'to roam' - comes from the Old French romier "traveling as a pilgrim", or from Medieval Latin romerius "a pilgrim" (originally to Rome).
Photography by Ray Sullivan
To read more: of my conversation with Barbara: about the residency that inspired this piece, please click here: