MyMarc workshop
Wonderful workshop on Saturday, with a group of fabulous teens; with a range of disabilities - including physical, learning disability and autism. They attend regular activities organised by MyMarc, Brighton (for more information please see: and I turned up with quilling papers unsure how the art, once called paper filigree, would go down.
Working primarily with a small group of young men I certainly learnt a few things as they took the basic technique and the simple ouline of a design I'd prepared and flew. I'd drawn a bird design because they're involved in ongoing work on the theme of 'The Forest'. But one bird became the Harry Potter Phoenix and another was given it's own, perfectly formed, heart (without any technical assistance from me).
When the quilling tool didn't suit the ability of one young man we abandonded it and he made wonderful coils free-hand, enouraging me as regards the accessibility of the technique even for those whose dexterity is limited.
Though it turned into an event all it's own this workshop was meant as just a taster session. I'm hoping to deliver workshops to various groups of people, young and old, across Brighton and Hove as part of a new residency project I'm developing. Funding applications are being prepared, so please watch this space for more information and ways of suporting the project/taking part.