Garment: Female shoe
Materials: Paper & Thread
Size: Life size
Whilst shoes between 1830-'40 were still mainly flat, as they had been from the start of the century, toes tended to become square
In order to read more about the inspiration behind it please click on the shoe.

This image shows the unique label inside the shoe.
You can click on the shoe label (above) in order to enlarge it
"...As subjects of the zoological artist's attentions, some animals are more equal than others. There is no doubt that bird illustrations predominate -- in quantity, arguably in quality, and certainly in popularity. This reflects the special fascination that birds have had for humans throughout the centuries, owing at least in part to their often colorful and sometimes spectacular plumage, as well as the awe inspired by their mastery of the skies....Until the nineteenth century, many ornithological illustrations, usually drawn from skins or mounted specimens, showed a bird perched on a bare branch. Despite some noteworthy exceptions, it was the art of John James Audubon and of John Gould and his colleagues (particularly Josef Wolf) that first consistently imparted motion and life to bird illustrations. Colored lithographs were an ideal medium to capture the vivid hues of a bird's plumage, with colored engravings running a close second..." - https://digitalcollections.nypl.org